When a loved one dies, it can take months or even years for his or her home to transfer through probate. If our loved one moves into a nursing home, his or her home may not be a priority as you make sure he or she is settled. During this time, you need to get back to...
Firm News
What does the statute of frauds require of your real estate deal?
Many people who live here in Austin wouldn't want to live anywhere else. If you are one of those people, you probably took your time finding just the right home before putting in an offer on one. You wanted to make sure that it would fulfill your needs for years to...
Home disclosure statements can help you avoid trouble
From the day you decided you had found the house of your dreams, you began to receive and sign mountains of documents. While you were searching for a home that ticked off all the boxes on your wish list, you may not have had the time to research the real estate laws...
Essential elements of a solid construction contract
As a construction contractor, you know that every project is unique. For this reason, every contract you enter into with a developer or property owner will have its own unique elements. Even so, every contract needs to contain certain elements that help ensure you...
Where does your property begin and your neighbor’s end?
As a Texas property owner, you have the right to protect your investment. This may mean several things, and one of them may include keeping the wrong people off your land or off your property. This can be particularly difficult when there is confusion and disagreement...
Specific signs that may indicate a foundation problem
When your Texas business is ready to move into a new commercial space, you understand the importance of ensuring there are no problems with the quality of the building. Issues with a building can cost you significant time and money, and you want to avoid these types...
Is your construction project experiencing water problems?
Building a new construction project in Texas can be a lengthy, arduous process. Your progress is subject to everything from the weather to the whims of the contractor. It can be frustrating and expensive, but it may seem like all of the hassle was worth it when it's...
Protect yourself from new home construction problems
When you purchase an older home here in Austin, the current owner likely already knows about the house's problems and issues. More than likely, the person who owned it when it was first built, who may or may not be the current owner, already found and repaired any...
Did you account for weather delays in the construction contract?
One of the biggest unknowns in any construction project is the weather. When you bid for a job, negotiate the contract and start the job, you can't predict what the weather will do from day to day after construction begins. For this reason, you need to include...
What does a preservation easement mean for your land?
When you buy property in Texas, you probably have plans for how you want to use that property now and in the future. It's good to have a plan, but it's smart to know if any legal issues could stand between you and your plans. One of these things includes an easement....