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Where does your property begin and your neighbor’s end?

On Behalf of | Nov 9, 2019 | Firm News |

As a Texas property owner, you have the right to protect your investment. This may mean several things, and one of them may include keeping the wrong people off your land or off your property. This can be particularly difficult when there is confusion and disagreement over where the property lines actually are. It is important to clearly establish where your land ends and your neighbor’s begins.

Boundary disputes can be much more than an inconvenience for you as the property owner. Not only could this mean that you may find people walking across your land, but it could also mean that your neighbor may try to erect a fence, build a structure or even put a pool in – over where you believe your property line is. This is frustrating and stressful, but thankfully, there are legal options available.

Out-of-court solution

While it may be necessary to head to court to resolve a boundary line dispute, that is not necessarily where you have to start. Sometimes, two disputing neighbors can come to a reasonable conclusion over their property lines that is mutually beneficial to both parties. If you and your neighbor are able to do this, it will be crucial to draft an agreement with the appropriate terms in order to prevent further confusion.

Get a new property survey

If negotiations and discussion are not effective, you may find it necessary to get a new survey of your property. This will allow you to know exactly where the property lines are. When you are able to know beyond a doubt where your property is, it may eliminate the need for further legal action. This could be an appropriate solution if it has been a long time since property changed hands or one party inherited land he or she is not familiar with.

Legal action

When there are no other options available, you may consider the benefits of a quiet title lawsuit. This is where you bring your boundary line dispute to a judge, along with any evidence you have to support your claim. The judge will review everything and then make a ruling regarding the location of the boundary lines.

Learn about your options

If you find yourself involved in a boundary dispute with your neighbor, you may find it beneficial to speak with an attorney experienced in real estate law and litigation. This can help you understand what legal options may be available and how you can protect your interests.


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