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As a contractor, how can you overcome construction defect claims?

On Behalf of | May 6, 2021 | Construction Law |

Contractors in Austin, Texas, provide valuable services to homeowners and commercial property owners. They make repairs, construct new buildings and address myriad other construction issues. However, these contractors face the risk of construction defect claims each day.

In most cases, contractors want to do the best job possible for their customers. They value their business reputation and positive word-of-mouth regarding the work they perform. When a defect claim arises, it can have a lasting impact on how others in the community view their business.

What are some ways you can address construction defect claims?

When someone files a construction defect claim against your contractor business, you need to adopt a serious approach. Instead of relying on the strength of your quality of work, it is also wise to seek guidance from a construction law firm. Such counsel helps you create the best initial response and subsequent defense against the claim.

Some of the most effective ways to protect your business from defect claims include the following.

  • Showing that the defect did not occur because of your company’s work
  • Showing that the structure’s design is responsible for the defect
  • Showing that the building or work contains no defects
  • Showing that the property owner’s actions caused the defect or structural problem
  • Showing that a materials vendor or subcontractor is liable for any defects

The good news is, help in protecting your hard-earned reputation is available. Instead of handling the issue alone, seek an advocate with knowledge of construction law in Texas to help you respond effectively to the allegations. Together, you can explore the legal options at your disposal and protect your contractor business’s bottom line.


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