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What are your options for resolving boundary disputes?

On Behalf of | May 24, 2018 | Firm News |

As a Texas property owner, it can be frustrating and overwhelming to find yourself in the midst of a dispute over the boundaries to your property. Resolving these types of disputes in a timely manner is important, and it is beneficial for you to understand how to protect your property rights and financial interests.

In many situations involving a boundary dispute, there is a lot on the line. Real estate litigation is complex and costly, and many people find it beneficial to work with an experienced legal ally as they work to find a resolution that is both effective, affordable and timely. If you are dealing with boundary dispute issues for your commercial or residential property, you do not have to face it alone.

Finding a lasting solution

Boundary disputes can quickly escalate into more costly and stressful legal disputes, and you understand why it is beneficial to take the time to discover your options. Some of the ways you can resolve a boundary dispute include the following:

  • One of the most effective ways you can deal with a dispute involving your property boundaries is to have a property survey done at the time of purchase. Sometimes, an updated survey may be necessary.
  • Depending on the nature of your individual situation, it may be possible for both parties to come to an independent resolution on a property line, such as using a creek or fence line to mark the separation of two properties.
  • It might be appropriate use a quiet title lawsuit as a way to resolve your boundary dispute. This is essentially requesting that a judge decide the location of property boundaries.

Whether you are working on an agreement with your neighbor regarding the appropriate location of a property boundary line or you have concerns about protecting your rights, you do not have to walk through these complex matters alone.

Protection for your rights and interests

A dispute with your neighbor can affect the way you use and enjoy your property. You have the right to seek a reasonable and effective outcome to this problem, starting by seeking a complete evaluation of your case. This step can help you discover your legal options and move forward with the most appropriate course of action.

A boundary dispute is not something you have to resolve on your own. In fact, you will find great benefit in having supporting guidance and helpful counsel as you work for a solution that allows you stability and security for years to come.


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